Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Under Just One Tree Blog

For years I wanted to get started with Blogging. I have always been a very private person but the techie in me wanted to stay connected with people regarding my readings, writing and music. Reaching out during LLSS 528 class has come at the right time in my life and I look forward to connecting with everyone and building authentic relationships. I write screenplays and really enjoy listening to and writing music.

I write music reviews for an international magazine and hope to finish a project before the end of the year. I also plan to do more writing in 2012.  Yes, 2012 since I am so engaged in teaching and academics this semester. I will share more about Under Just One Tree if anyone asks.

Happy Blogging,


  1. (To Read)
    Rosenblatt, L. (1985). Continuing the conversation: A clarification. Research in the teaching of reading,29, 349-354
    Author: Rosenblatt, Louise (cited by Swafford, p. 24)
    Note: How do we define literature?.
    Reason for using:Reading Swafford and reconnecting with Rosenblatt allows me to better define literature. I am working with the parents of students that really want to know how my class will help their child prepare for college. I want the parents to realize that for me to do this we need to work together.

  2. I very much appreciated your blog comments. I am a very private person and not a techie so blogging always appears as self indulgence and publicizing what doesn't need to be said. Used for an educational conversation, well, I can accept that. To state your goals, that is empowering them, so hats off to you. I have thought about music as communication lately. Its ability to reach into the experience and emotions of any person regardless of written or oral language is timeless and essential. I have been traveling a lot, thousands of miles in this month. Music can connect me instantly to many thoughts and memories, or inspire me to action. How good it is to be human.

  3. I agree. I am totally not a public person and it is funny how the introverts are the ones drawn to teaching! This course has opened up new worlds for many us of and I think that this growth is incredible! I appreciate everyone's thoughtful input on their own blogs! It makes the course go so much faster and enjoyable. Darryl I know you mentioned that you had a study guide for One Crazy Summer.... could you email it to me (I couldn't find it) thanks!
